Skip Counting Snowflakes (math craft)

A beautiful wintery snowflake craft, which will have children practising skip counting patterns too.
Well, like it or not, it’s looking pretty wintery here.
If I look out of my window right now, everything is covered in a very pretty (but oh so annoying) layer of snow.
So, I’ve decided that with the snow not going anywhere for the foreseeable future, it’s time to embrace it.
And so, today’s math activity is snow themed: a skip counting snowflake.
This is a really pretty math craft that will have your child practising skip counting patterns.
Read on to find out more.
Tell me about these skip counting snowflakes
These skip counting snowflake printables come in the form of PDF digital download.
The craft is made up of two pages: a snowflake picture, and a page of numbers in small hexagons.
The same snowflake craft is included in different skip counting patterns: skip counting by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
This means that you can choose the particular skip counting pattern your child needs to practise.
If you’re a teacher using these with a class of children, it’s really easy to differentiate: children can all be making a snowflake craft but be practising different counting patterns (whichever one they need to focus on).
How to make this snowflake craft
First of all, print off the skip counting pattern your child wants to use.
There are two pages to print: one page with the snowflake picture, and one page with small hexagonal numbers.
Let’s use skip counting by 2 as our example.
Colour the snowflake pictures and, if your child wants to, the small hexagonal numbers. (It’s much easier to colour before all the cutting and glueing!)
Then, cut out the snowflake and the numbers.
Next, comes the math!
Order the hexagonal numbers in skip counting order around the snowflake. The first number has already been done.
There are small arrows between each of the spaces so children can see where the next number should go.
When all the numbers are in their spots, check your answers and then glue all the numbers down.
And then the snowflake is finished!
Displaying these skip counting snowflakes
These paper snowflakes make a lovely wintery display.
They look pretty on the wall at home, or if you’re using these with a class of children in the classroom, they make a fun border around your math bulletin board.
Another great way to display them is to make a hole in the top with a hole punch and the hang them from the ceiling with a piece of string or thread.
Where can I find this snow flake math craft?
These snowflakes are available in the Math, Kids and Chaos online store (US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) as well as our Teachers Pay Teachers store.
They’re also included in the Skip Counting Math Craft: Seasonal Bundle.
The bundle includes a skip counting craft for each seasons: snowflakes for winter, leaves for fall/autumn, umbrellas for spring, and sunflowers for summer.
Buy the bundle and SAVE!
And for even more math crafts, check out our Math Crafts page.