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Place value puzzles (for 2-digit numbers)

Place value puzzles for 2-digit numbers

These self-correcting math puzzles are fun way to practise place value (and they make a nice change from worksheets too)

It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of math puzzles.

They’re a fun, hands-on way to practise and revise math topics.

And the great news? Most children seem to really enjoy them.

This post is all about place value puzzles. These printable puzzles are for 2-digit numbers and make a great activity for any child needing to work on tens and ones.

Puzzles like this make a nice break from worksheets or workbooks – no pencils, no writing, just lots and lots of math.

Ready for a sneak peek? Read on.

Tell me about these place value puzzles

This math resource consists of 20 individual rectangular place value puzzles.

Each individual puzzle is divided into four pieces like so:

Completed place value puzzle for number 54

The four puzzle pieces each show the same 2-digit number represented in a different way:

  • as a numeral (54)
  • in expanded form (50 + 4)
  • as base ten blocks (shown as 5 rods of ten and 4 units)
  • in word form (“5 tens and 4 ones”)

There are 20 different numbers included as puzzles in this pack. They are: 23, 14, 86, 54, 49, 61, 32, 46, 29, 51, 93, 72, 11, 37, 68, 35, 77, 81, 59 and 91.

Related: 5 reasons why number puzzles are GREAT for young children


First, print out the 20 puzzles. I would recommend either printing onto cardstock and/or laminating them. One puzzle prints onto one letter-size sheet of paper/card.

The puzzles are all in black ink for easy printing.

Do make sure to print all the puzzles onto the same coloured paper or card. Otherwise you may well find your child or students matching the puzzle pieces according to their colour, and ignoring the math altogether.

Once printed, cut out each puzzle and then cut each one into its four pieces along the wavy lines.

How do I use these place value puzzles?

First, decide how many number of puzzles you want to use. Although there are 20 puzzles in this resource, I would recommend starting with no more than ten. You can always use the other ten next time.

Next jumble all the puzzle pieces up.

Puzzle pieces for 32, 54 and 72 jumbled up on table top.

The challenge is then to put the rectangular puzzles back together again.

For each puzzle, the four different pieces should all represent the same number.

Completed place value puzzles for the numbers 21, 54 and 72 on a table top.

Related: What is expanded form in math?

You say these puzzles are self-correcting? What does that even mean?!

This means that the cut lines (the lines that divide each rectangular puzzle into its four pieces) are unique.

Four puzzle pieces will only fit together if the math is correct.

place value puzzles for number 23, 14, 86 adn 54

Why is this important?

Well, it gives your child instant feedback as to whether they have matched the pieces correctly or not, and therefore whether they’re understanding of the math is correct.

Getting instant feedback like this also means that a child is more likely to be able to complete the puzzles independently without lots of adult intervention. This is great for their self-esteem!

Where can I find these puzzles?

These place value puzzles are available to purchase as a PDF digital download in the Math, Kids and Chaos online store here (for those visiting from the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand).

They are also available in my Teachers pay Teachers store here.

Place value puzzles for 2 digit number product cover

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