Multiplication Facts Puzzle
A fun logic puzzle which also practises multiplication facts.
Looking for a quick multiplication facts activity for you child? I have just the thing for you.
This is a multiplication facts cut and paste activity. However, as well as practising multiplication facts, it will also require your child to use logical thinking.
If your child likes a good puzzle, or indeed if you think your child would benefit from a times table activity with a twist, then keep reading!
Related post: Which times tables should you learn first?
Tell me about this multiplication facts puzzle!
This activity is a one-page cut and paste activity. All you need to get cracking is a pair of scissors and a glue stick.
There are number cards down the right hand side of the page to cut out. These number cards have the numbers 1 to 10 on them.
On the left hand side, there are 7 multiplication facts number sentences with some numbers missing.
All you have to do is place each of the number cards on the correct square so that all the number sentences are correct.
Sounds pretty simple! Where’s the challenge?
Well, for some of these number sentences there is just one box to fill in, for example:
But for some of these number sentences there are two unknowns, for example:
And this makes things a little more complicated.
Your child will need to use some logical thinking skills to figure the puzzle out.
Related post: Be a multiplication Star! A bumper worksheet pack for serious times tables practice!
How can I help my child without telling them the answer?!
So, if your child needs a few pointers with this multiplication facts puzzle, here’s how to help them without giving too much away.
First, start by encouraging them to fill in all the boxes they can first (i.e. fill in all the number sentences that have just ONE empty box).
After this they’ll be left with 6 number cards (1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8) like so:
Related post: Printable multiplication tables 1x to 10x (freebie!)
You’re now left with 3 number sentences, each of which have two unknowns.
You can approach these in a few different ways.
Firstly, you could use the remaining number cards to try out different combinations until you find one that makes all the number sentences work.
This will require your child to use their knowledge of times tables to determine which combination of numbers will work (great practice!)
Or, you could get them to focus on one of the remaining number sentences at a time and jot down any possible pairs of numbers that would work.
Let’s look at this number sentence here (in my mind the key to solving this puzzle!):
Using times tables, there are 2 possible ways that we could complete this number sentence: either 2 x 8 = 16 or 4 x 4 = 16.
Of course we only have one number 4 to use so we know it cannot be 4 x 4.
This means we can only use 2 and 8 for this number sentence. (It can of course be 8 x 2 or 2 x 8: both versions are correct!)
Once we have completed this number sentence, you have the digits 1, 3, 4 and 6 left and just two number sentences left to finish.
Next think about the numbers that would work for this number sentence:
We know that to get 6 we can multiply 2 and 3 or we can multiply 1 and 6.
However, we have already used the number 2! So we know that we must use 6 and 1 for this number sentence.
This leaves us with 2 boxes left and 2 number cards and then the puzzle is complete.
Gold stars all round!
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I hope you liked this post and today’s multiplication facts logic puzzle. Until next time!
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