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3 Digit addition with regrouping worksheet

Help your child master 3 digit addition (with regrouping) with this free 2 page worksheet.

Is your child is working on 3 digit addition? If so, you’ll know that practice makes perfect.

If you’re on the hunt for some worksheets to help your child hone their addition skills, then I’m your person!

Today’s post includes a free 2-page worksheet for practising 3 digit addition with regrouping.

This worksheet is broken up into 3 different sections. Each section practises 3 digit number addition in a different way.

So, let’s take a look.

Part A – The basics!

Yep, sometimes you just have to practise practise practise (and then practise some more). And so the the first page of this worksheet is good old standard 3 digit addition questions.

Each question involves regrouping, either in 1, 2 or all 3 columns.

3 digit addition with regrouping worksheet questions

Part B – Right or Wrong?

Part B is all about spotting which sums are correct and which ones have errors. I LOVE error analysis activities and I use this question type in many of my resources.

For a start, it makes a nice change from the usual standard practice questions. But also it’s a great skill for children to work on as it helps them to be able to spot errors in their own math calculations.

'Right or wrong?' 3 digit addition questions

For this section there are 8 addition sums. For each one, colour the correct sums in with a green crayon and the incorrect ones in with a red crayon.

For each of the red sums, see if your child can explain to you where the error (or errors!) are and what the answer should be.

Part C – Which Symbol?

The questions in this section make a nice bit of revision for the greater than, less than and equals symbols. These questions involve putting a either a >, < or = sign in the box to complete the number sentence.

Of course, in order to work out which symbol to put in the box, your child will need to do the addition sums first, so there’s plenty of addition practice in there too.

'Which symbol?' 3 digit addition questions

Answer key included!

There’s a simple answer key included so that your child can check their answers.

Need even more addition worksheets?

If you need more practice activities for 3 digit addition, take a look at this pack of 3 digit addition activities which is available in my store. This resource is jam-packed with activities for working on 3 digit addition, both with and without regrouping.

This resource contains 10 no prep worksheets, a set of 20 task cards and a ‘true/false’ sorting activity. Addition practice galore!

You can find this resource over at my store HERE.

3 digit addition worksheets, task cards and sorting activity product cover

Ready to grab your own free 3 digit addition worksheet?

You can download it here:

Thanks for reading today’s post about 3 digit addition.

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